
For each aspect of spermatogenesis and the seminal ejaculate A–E, select the most appropriate option from the following list of components of the male reproductive system


For each aspect of spermatogenesis and the seminal ejaculate A–E, select the most appropriate option from the following list of components of the male reproductive system.

 1. Leydig cells.

2. Sertoli cells.

3. Seminiferous tubules.

4. Epididymis.

5. Seminal vesicles.

6. Prostate gland.

7. Vas deferens.

  1. At their site of formation, the spermatozoa acquire the haploid number of chromosomes.
  2. Testosterone, which is essential for normal spermatogenesis, is produced by cells stimu-lated by follicle-stimulating hormone
  3. Spermatozoa are stored for some 2–4 weeks, while their motility and ability to fertilize steadily increase.
  4. Most of the volume of the seminal ejaculate consists of a slightly alkaline fluid rich in fructose.
  5. The spermatozoa in the seminal ejaculate leave the scrotum because of powerful contraction of smooth muscle cells.

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 A. Option 3 Seminiferous tubules. This is where the spermatozoa originate and begin their development.

B. Option 1 Leydig cells. These are the interstitial cells between the seminiferous tubules.

C. Option 4 Epididymis. This is the main storage and maturation site.

D. Option 5 Seminal vesicles. These contribute about two-thirds of the ejaculate volume; the alkalinity protects the sperm against vaginal acidity and the fructose is a source of energy.

E. Option 7 Vas deferens. This transports the spermatozoa under the influence of sympathetic stimulation of the smooth muscle in its wall.

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