
The neonatal


 The neonatal

  1. Liver stores sufficient vitamin K for the first few months of life.
  2. Blood volume is closer to 750 than 250 ml.
  3. Blood glucose level fluctuates more than the fetal level.
  4. Gut usually lacks certain enzymes needed for digestion of milk.
  5. Peripheral vascular resistance is higher than that of the adult.

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A. False Vitamin K is not stored and deficiency at birth is common.

B. False It would be about 240 ml in a three-kilogram neonate.

C. True The neonatal liver is less mature than the maternal liver.

D. False It can usually deal adequately with the nutrients in milk.

E. True The AV pressure gradient is almost as great as in the adult and flow is much smaller (resistance-pressure gradient/flow).

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