
Lack of pulmonary surfactant


 Lack of pulmonary surfactant.

  1. Is unlikely in infants born after 30 weeks gestation.
  2. Can be diagnosed by examining the fetal amniotic fluid.
  3. Increases the effort required for expiration.
  4. Decreases the surface tension forces in the lungs.
  5. Leads to poor oxygenation of the blood before birth.

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A. False Its formation starts around the 35th week.

B. True Fetal breathing movements wash it into this fluid.

C. False It increases the work of inspiration.

D. False Without surfactant the surface tension forces are great; these forces must be overcome during inspiration.

E. False The lungs are not used for gas exchange before birth; lack of surfactant causes poor oxygenation in the neonate.

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