
The feta


The feta.

  1. Blood in umbilical veins contains more amino acid than maternal blood in uterine veins.
  2. Aorta has a higher rate of blood flow than the distal pulmonary artery.
  3. Aortic blood pressure is lower than pulmonary arterial pressure.
  4. Systemic resistance is higher than its pulmonary resistance.
  5. Heart rate suggests fetal distress if it exceeds 100 beats/minute.

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 A. True Amino acids are actively transported from maternal to fetal blood in the placenta.

B. True Due to high flow through the ductus arteriosus to the aorta.

C. True Blood flows from the pulmonary artery to the distal aorta.

D. False Distal aortic flow is greater than distal pulmonary artery flow and the pressure is lower (resistancepressure/flow).

E. False It is normally about 140/minute; below 100 suggests distress.

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