
The normal seminal ejaculate


 The normal seminal ejaculate.

  1. Has a volume of about 5–10 ml.
  2. Comes mainly from the seminiferous tubules and epididymis.
  3. Contains fructose from the seminal vesicles.
  4. Contains phosphate and bicarbonate buffers.
  5. Contains prostaglandins.

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A. False The normal volume is 2–5 ml.

B. False These contribute only about 20 per cent of volume.

C. True Seminal vesicles contribute about 60 per cent of seminal volume (prostate 20 per cent).

D. True These help to neutralize acidic vaginal fluids.

E. True Derived from seminal vesicles, prostaglandins may induce contractile activity in the female genital tract.

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