
The male postpubertal state differs from the prepubertal in that


 The male postpubertal state differs from the prepubertal in that.

  1. The gonads are responsive to gonadotrophic hormones.
  2. There is a greater output of l7-ketosteroids in the urine.
  3. Skeletal muscle is stronger per unit mass of tissue.
  4. The circulating level of follicle-stimulating hormone is higher.
  5. Hypothalamic output of gonadotrophin-releasing factors is greater.

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A. False They are responsive before puberty as well.

B. True Due to greater production of sex hormones in the body.

C. True This is one of the actions of testosterone.

D. True This stimulates growth and function of the testes.

E. True This initiates the various changes of puberty.

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