
A skeletal muscle fibre


 A skeletal muscle fibre.

  1. Membrane is negatively charged on the inside with respect to the outside at rest.
  2. Contains intracellular stores of calcium ions.
  3. Is normally innervated by more than one motor neurone.
  4. Becomes more excitable as its resting membrane potential falls.
  5. Becomes less excitable as the extracellular ionized calcium levels fall.

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  A. True This ‘resting membrane potential’ is about -90 mV.

B. True These are released on excitation.

C. False A single neurone supplies a group of muscle fibres.

D. True It becomes more excitable as its membrane potential approaches the firing threshold (about -70 mV).

E. False Decreasing extracellular Ca2+ increases excitability and may lead to spontaneous contractions (tetany), possibly by increasing sodium permeability.

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