
A reflex action


A reflex action.

  1. Is initiated at a sensory receptor organ.
  2. May result in endocrine secretion.
  3. Involves transmission across at least two central nervous synapses in series.
  4. May be excitatory or inhibitory.
  5. Is independent of higher centres in the brain.

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 A. True Stimulation of the receptor generates impulses in the afferent limb.

B. True Stimulation of osmoreceptors reflexly modifies ADH output from the posterior pituitary gland.

C. False The knee jerk reflex arc contains only one central nervous synapse.

D. True In the knee jerk extensors of the knee contract, while flexors relax (reciprocal inhibition). E. False Higher centres can facilitate or inhibit many reflex actions such as micturition.

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