
For each of the structures in the alimentary tract A–E, select the most appropriate option from the list below


For each of the structures in the alimentary tract A–E, select the most appropriate option from the list below.

1. Controls entry of bile into the

2. Fat absorption. 3. intestine.

3. Glucose absorption.

4. Secretion of gastric acid.

5. Lymphoid aggregations in the intestines involved with immunity.

Intestinal structures:

  1. Lacteals.
  2. Brush border.
  3. Oxyntic cells.
  4. Sphincter of Oddi.
  5. Peyer’s patches.

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A. Option 2 Fat absorption. Most of the absorbed fat is taken up directly by lacteals, so called for their white colour following a fatty meal due to the fat globules in the lymph.

B. Option 3 Glucose absorption. The brush border that is characteristic of the luminal surface of enterocytes is made up of tiny microvilli protruding into the lumen of the gut and offering a huge surface area for absorption of the products of digestion.

C. Option 4 Secretion of gastric acid. These cells, sometimes also called parietal cells, are found in the mucosa of the body and fundus of the stomach and are responsible for HCl secretion.

D. Option 1 Controls entry of bile into the intestine. The sphincter of Oddi lies in the second part of the duodenum where the bile duct and the pancreatic ducts meet and controls the flow of bile and pancreatic secretions into the duodenum.

E. Option 5 Lymphoid aggregations in the intestines involved with immunity. These patches are composed of lymphoid tissue and are responsible for immune reactions and responses in the gut.

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