
For each For each of the digestive functions A–E, select the most appropriate digestive secretion from the following list of secretions


For each of the digestive functions A–E, select the most appropriate digestive secretion from the following list of secretions.

1. Salivary secretion.

2. Gastric secretion.

3. Pancreatic secretion.

4. Bile.

5. Intestinal secretion.

  1. Splitting disaccharides.
  2. Splitting triglycerides.
  3. Absorption of vitamin B12.
  4. Emulsification of fat.
  5. Digestion of nucleic acids.

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 A. Option 5 Intestinal secretion. Intestinal juice contains the enzymes maltase, lactase and sucrase that split maltose, lactose and sucrose respectively.

B. Option 3 Pancreatic secretion. Pancreatic lipase splits neutral fat into glycerol and fatty acids.

C. Option 2 Gastric secretion. Gastric juice contains the intrinsic factor needed for the absorption of Vitamin B12.

D. Option 4 Bile. Bile salts help to emulsify fat so that the fat droplets offer a large surface area to the action of lipases.

E. Option 3 Pancreatic secretion. Nucleic acids are split by pancreatic nucleases in the small intestine.

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