
Absorption of glucose by intestinal mucosal cells


Absorption of glucose by intestinal mucosal cells.

  1. Relies on a carrier mechanism in the cell membrane.
  2. Is blocked by the same agents that block renal reabsorption of glucose.
  3. Is enhanced by blockade of active sodium transport in the cells.
  4. Involves the same carriers that are used for the absorption of galactose.
  5. Takes place mainly in the ileum.

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A. True This facilitates transport from the lumen.

B. True Phloridzin has this action; the carrier mechanisms at the two sites are similar.

C. False It is impaired, suggesting that sodium absorption facilitates glucose absorption.

D. True But different carriers are involved in fructose absorption.

E. False It takes place mainly in the duodenum and jejunum.

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