
One gram of


 One gram of.

  1. Carbohydrate, metabolized in the body, yields the same energy as when oxidized in a bomb calorimeter.
  2. Fat, metabolized in the body, yields 10 per cent more energy than 1g of carbohydrate..
  3. Protein, metabolized in the body, yields the same energy as when oxidized in a bomb calorimeter.
  4. . Carbohydrate, metabolized in the body, yields about the same energy as 1g of protein.
  5. Protein per kg body weight is an adequate daily protein intake for a sedentary adult.

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A. True In both cases the carbohydrate is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water.

B. False Fat yields approximately 125 per cent more energy.

C. False It yields about 40 per cent less when metabolized in the body, urea derived from protein is excreted in the urine and its free energy is not released to the body.

D. True The free energy released by carbohydrate and protein in the body is similar.

E. True This is probably a high figure; protein requirements increase with increasing levels of energy expenditure.

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