
In the small intestine


In the small intestine.

  1. The enzyme concentration in intestinal juice is lower in the ileum than in the jejunum.
  2. Vitamin B12 is absorbed mainly in the jejunum.
  3. Water absorption is dependent on the active absorption of sodium and glucose.
  4. Absorption of calcium occurs mainly in the terminal ileum.
  5. Glucose absorption is dependent on sodium absorption.

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A. True Being proteins, enzymes are digested by proteolytic enzymes as they pass down the gut.

B. False It is absorbed mainly in the terminal ileum.

C. True Water is absorbed passively down the osmotic gradient set up by active sodium and glucose absorption.

D. False It occurs mainly in the duodenum.

E. True Sodium is required at the luminal surface for glucose to be absorbed by an active carrier-mediated process.

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