
Secretion of gastric juice


 Secretion of gastric juice.

  1. Increases when food stimulates mucosal cells in the pyloric region.
  2. Is associated with a decrease in the pH of venous blood draining the stomach.
  3. In response to food is reduced after vagotomy.
  4. Is essential for protein digestion.
  5. Is essential for absorption of vitamin B12.

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A. True Cells in the pylorus release gastrin when food enters the stomach.

B. False Venous blood pH rises as bicarbonate enters the circulation in the ‘alkaline tide’.

C. True Vagal activity plays an important role in gastric juice secretion.

D. False Pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin can digest proteins.

E. True Without gastric ‘intrinsic factor’, Vitamin B12 is not absorbed from the gut.

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