
The normally innervated stomach


 The normally innervated stomach.

  1. Is stimulated to secrete gastric juice when food is chewed, even if it is not swallowed.
  2. Cannot secrete HCl when its H1 histamine receptors are blocked.
  3. And the denervated stomach can secrete gastric juice after a meal is ingested.
  4. Empties more quickly than the denervated stomach.
  5. Is stimulated to secrete gastric juice by the hormone secretin.

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 A. True This depends on a vagal reflex.

B. False Blockade of histamine H2 receptors blocks gastric acid secretion.

C. True The denervated stomach is still affected by gastrin released from the gastric mucosa when food enters the stomach.

D. True Gastric motility is more effective when it is coordinated by vagal nerve activity.

E. False Secretin, which stimulates pancreatic secretion, decreases gastric secretion.

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