
The stomach


The stomach.

  1. Is responsible for absorbing about 10 per cent of the ingested food.
  2. Contains mucosal cells containing high concentrations of carbonic anhydrase.
  3. Peristaltic contractions start from the pyloric region.
  4. Motility increases when fat enters the duodenum.
  5. Relaxes when food is ingested so that there is little rise in intra-gastric pressure.

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A. False Little food is absorbed in the stomach other than alcohol.

B. True This is needed to generate the H ions required for HCl secretion; carbonic anhydrase inhibitors reduce acid secretion.

C. False They begin at the other end, the fundus.

D. False Fat in the duodenum inhibits gastric motility.

E. True This ‘receptive relaxation’ allows the stomach to store large volumes of food without discomfort.

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