Pancreatic secretion
belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:204
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belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:204
total answers (1)
A. False It is scanty and rich in enzymes; it is secreted reflexly in the ‘cephalic’ phase of pancreatic secretion when food is thought about or chewed.
B. False It is copious, bicarbonate rich and poor in enzymes; it buffers the acid secretions entering the duodenum from the stomach.
C. False This is the hormone released when acid enters the duodenum that stimulates the pancreas to produce the juice described in (B) above.
D. True Pancreatic lipase. E. False Pancreatic amylase breaks down carbohydrates to dextrins and polysaccharides.
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