
Swallowing is a reflex which


 Swallowing is a reflex which.

  1. Has its reflex centres in the cervical segments of the spinal cord.
  2. Includes inhibition of respiration.
  3. Is initiated by a voluntary act.
  4. Is dependent on intrinsic nerve networks in the oesophagus.
  5. Is more effective when the person is standing rather than when lying down.

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A. False The reflex centres lie in the medulla oblongata.

B. True This plus closure of the glottis prevents food being aspirated into the airways.

C. True The voluntary act is propulsion of a bolus of food onto the posterior pharyngeal wall.

D. True These are essential for the peristaltic phase.

E. True Gravity can assist the reflex; tablets are more difficult to swallow when lying down.

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