
The total amount of O2 carried by the circulation to the tissues/min. (oxygen delivery or total available oxygen)


 The total amount of O2 carried by the circulation to the tissues/min. (oxygen delivery or total available oxygen).

  1. Normally equals the rate of O2 consumption by the body/min.
  2. Is normally more than 95 per cent combined with haemoglobin.
  3. Must fall by about half if haemoglobin concentration is halved.
  4. Is more closely related to PO2 than to percentage saturation of the blood with O2.
  5. Must double if body oxygen consumption doubles.

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A. False At rest, O2 consumption (about 250 ml/min) is about 25 per cent of the total available.

B. True All but 3 of the 200 ml/l is combined with haemoglobin, the rest is dissolved.

C. False In anaemic hypoxia, cardiac output rises to compensate for the reduced oxygen content per litre of blood.

D. False If PO2 falls by 25 per cent from normal, there is relatively little change in the blood oxygen content.

E. False The extraction ratio rises as oxygen consumption rises, e.g. during exercise.

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