
In the forced expiratory volume (FEV1) measurement, an adult patient


 In the forced expiratory volume (FEV1) measurement, an adult patient.

  1. With normal lungs should expire 95 per cent of vital capacity (VC) in 1 second.
  2. With restrictive disease may expire a greater than predicted per cent of VC in the first second.
  3. Who is female would be expected to expire a greater per cent of VC in 1 second than a male of the same age.
  4. With obstructive disease may take more than 5 second to complete the expiration.
  5. With normal lungs should achieve a peak flow rate of at least 200 litres/minute.

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A. False The normal is about 85 per cent at age 20, falling to about 70 per cent at age 60–70.

B. True The airways are not obstructed and vital capacity volume is reduced.

C. True Females have, on average, smaller vital capacities than males.

D. True This is typical of moderately severe obstructive airways disease.

E. True 200 litres/min is a low figure; most subjects, other than small elderly females, should do better.

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