
A diver breathing air at a depth of 30 metres under water


 A diver breathing air at a depth of 30 metres under water

  1. Is exposed to a pressure of about four times that at the surface.
  2. Has a raised pressure of nitrogen in the alveoli.
  3. Has a four-fold increase in the oxygen content of blood.
  4. Has a four-fold increase in alveolar water vapour pressure.
  5. Expends less energy than normal on the work of breathing.

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A. True 10 metres of waterapproximately one atmosphere.

B. True Total alveolar pressurefour atmospheres.

C. False Haemoglobin is already saturated with O2 at sea level and cannot take up more; the amount of dissolved oxygen increases raising total O2 content by less than 10 per cent.

D. False This depends on temperature alone.

E. False More energy is needed to move air made more viscous by compression.

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