
A shift of the oxygen dissociation curve of blood to the left


 A shift of the oxygen dissociation curve of blood to the left.

  1. Decreases the O2 content of blood at a given PO2.
  2. Impairs O2 delivery to the tissues at the normal tissue PO2.
  3. Occurs in blood perfusing cold extremities.
  4. Occurs in blood stored for several weeks.
  5. Is characteristic of fetal blood when compared with adult blood.

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A. False It increases content, especially at tissue PO2.

B. True The blood does not release its oxygen adequately.

C. True Cold shifts the curve to the left and may reduce O2 delivery to cold tissues.

D. True Such blood when transfused may not release its O2 content adequately.

E. True Fetal blood can thus take up O2 at the low PO2 levels seen in the placenta but fetal tissue PO2 has to be low to permit its release.

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