
Alveolar ventilation is increased by breathing


Alveolar ventilation is increased by breathing.

  1. 21 per cent O2 and 79 per cent N2.
  2. 17 per cent O2 and 83 per cent N2.
  3. 2 per cent CO2 and 98 per cent O2.
  4. 10 per cent CO2 and 90 per cent O2.
  5. A gas mixture which raises arterial PCO2 by 10 per cent.

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A. False This is the normal composition of air.

B. False The O2 level must fall to around 15 per cent before breathing is stimulated.

C. True The stimulating effect of high PCO2 is little affected by high PO2 levels.

D. False This level of carbon dioxide depresses breathing.

E. True This is enough to double the volume breathed per minute

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