
In normal lungs


In normal lungs.

  1. The rate of alveolar ventilation at rest exceeds the rate of alveolar capillary perfusion.
  2. The ventilation/perfusion (V/P) ratio exceeds 1.0 during maximal exercise.
  3. The V/P ratio is higher at the apex than at the base of the lungs when a person is standing.
  4. Oxygen transfer can be explained by passive diffusion.
  5. Dead space increases during inspiration.

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A. False Alveolar ventilation at rest is about 4 l/min; perfusion is about 5 l/min.

B. True In maximal exercise, alveolar ventilation may rise to about 80 l/min whereas alveolar perfusion (cardiac output) rises to about 25 l/min.

C. True Perfusion decreases from base to apex; ventilation does also but to a lesser extent.

D. True There is no evidence of O2 secretion in the lungs.

E. True The trachea and bronchi expand as the lungs expand.

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