
The carotid bodies


 The carotid bodies.

  1. Are stretch receptors in the walls of the internal carotid arteries.
  2. Have a blood flow per unit volume similar to that in the brain.
  3. Are influenced more by blood PO2 than by its oxygen content.
  4. Generate more afferent impulses when blood H ion concentration rises.
  5. . And the aortic bodies are mainly responsible for the increased ventilation in hypoxia.

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A. False The stretch receptors in internal carotid arteries are carotid sinus baroreceptors; the carotid bodies are separate structures nearby.

B. False They have the greatest flow rate/unit volume yet described in the body.

C. True They are not excited in anaemia where PCO2 is normal but O2 content is low.

D. True Acidosis stimulates ventilation.

E. True When carotid and aortic bodies are denervated, hypoxia depresses respiration

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