
Respiratory failure (low arterial PO2; raised arterial PCO2) leads to


 Respiratory failure (low arterial PO2; raised arterial PCO2) leads to.

  1. Raised pulmonary artery pressure (pulmonary hypertension).
  2. Right ventricular failure.
  3. Low voltage P waves in the electrocardiogram.
  4. Decreased cerebral blood flow.
  5. Warm hands and feet.

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A. True  Hypoxia causes generalized pulmonary vasoconstriction.

B. True  Pulmonary hypertension can lead to right ventricular failure (‘cor pulmonale’).

C. False  Atrial hypertrophy in cor pulmonale results in prominent P waves.

D. False  CO2 dilates cerebral blood vessels.

E. True  CO2 is a vasodilator and ‘cor pulmonale’ is a ‘high output’ failure

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