
The electrocardiogram shows


 The electrocardiogram shows.

  1. Irregular P waves in atrial flutter.
  2. Regular QRS complexes in atrial fibrillation.
  3. Regular QRS complexes in complete heart block.
  4. High voltage R waves over the right ventricle in right ventricular hypertrophy.
  5. An irregular saw-tooth appearance in ventricular fibrillation.

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A. False  In atrial flutter, P waves have a high but regular frequency (about 300/minute).

B. False  Ventricular beats are irregular in rate and strength since impulses pass through the AV node in a random fashion.

C. True  The beats generated by ventricular pacemakers have slow but regular frequency.

D. True  The increased muscle bulk generates enhanced voltages during depolarization.

E. True  Due to chaotic electrical activity in the ventricles.

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