
In the electrocardiogram, the


 In the electrocardiogram, the.

  1. QRS complex follows the onset of ventricular contraction.
  2. T wave is due to repolarization of the ventricles.
  3. PR interval corresponds with atrial depolarization.
  4. RT interval is related to ventricular action potential duration.
  5. R-R interval normally varies during the respiratory cycle.

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A. False The electrical event precedes the mechanical event.

B. True This electrical event corresponds with ventricular relaxation.

C. False It corresponds to the interval between atrial and ventricular depolarization due to delay of the impulse in the AV bundle.

D. True R indicates the beginning, and T the end, of the ventricular action potential.

E. True Due to the heart rate changes associated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia.

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