
During isometric ventricular contraction


 During isometric ventricular contraction.

  1. The entry and exit valves of the ventricle are closed.
  2. Pressure in the aorta rises.
  3. Pressure in the atria falls.
  4. Left coronary blood flow falls.
  5. The rate of rise in pressure is greater in the right than in the left ventricle.

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A. True Hence no blood leaves the ventricles.

B. False Pressure in the aorta falls as run-off of blood to the tissues continues.

C. False It rises as ventricular pressure causes the AV valves to bulge into the atria.

D. True The blood vessels are squeezed by the contracting myocardium.

E. False The greater force of contraction in the left ventricle gives a greater rate of rise of pressure.

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