
Sinuatrial node cells are


 Sinuatrial node cells are.

  1. Found in both atria.
  2. Innervated by the vagus.
  3. Unable to generate impulses when completely denervated.
  4. Connected to the AV node by fine bundles of Purkinje tissue.
  5. Able to generate impulses because their membrane potential is unstable.

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A. False   The SA node is in the right atrium near its junction with the superior vena cava.

B. True   Vagal activity slows the rate of impulse generation and thus the heart rate.

C. False   The SA node has intrinsic rhythmicity and can generate impulses independently.

D. False   Purkinje tissue is confined to the ventricles; atrial fibres conduct impulses from the SA to the AV node.

E. True   Impulse generation is due to spontaneous diastolic depolarization of the cells.

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