
In the heart


 In the heart.

  1. The left atrial wall is about three times thicker than the right atrial wall.
  2. Systolic contraction normally begins in the left atrium.
  3. Excitation spreads directly from atrial muscle cells to ventricular muscle cells.
  4. Atrial and ventricular muscle contracts simultaneously in systole.
  5. The contracting ventricles shorten from apex to base.

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A. False   Their wall thickness is similar since the workload of the two atria is similar.

B. False   It begins at the sinuatrial node in the right atrium.

C. False   Excitation can only pass from atria to ventricles via specialized conducting tissue in the AV bundle.

D. False   Delay of excitation in the AV bundle makes atrial precede ventricular contraction.

E. True   Due to the spiral arrangement of some muscle fibres; circular fibres reduce ventricular circumference.

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