
For each of the descriptions A–E, select the most appropriate option from the following list


For each of the descriptions A–E, select the most appropriate option from the following list.

1. Neutrophil polymorphonuclear granulocyte.

2. Platelet.

3. Lymphocyte.

4. Thrombocytopoenia.

5. Leukaemia.

  1. Responsible for ingesting invading bacteria.
  2. The blood cell most affected by AIDS.
  3. A condition where abnormal white cells invade the bone marrow.
  4. The smallest cellular element in the blood.
  5. Uniquely capable of becoming sticky.

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A. Option 1 Neutrophil polymorphonuclear granulocyte. These are the commonest of the white cell types. In an area of serious prolonged infection the ‘neutrophils’ ingest bacteria, eventually die and accumulate as pus.

B. Option 3 Lymphocyte. The lymphocytes are responsible for immunity, so a disease which damages their function leads to immune deficiency.

C. Option 5 Leukaemia. Leukaemia is a cancerous multiplication of abnormal white cells which replace normal bone marrow cells, suppressing normal formation of white cells, red cells and other marrow-derived cells.

D. Option 2 Platelet. Platelets are about half the diameter of red cells, which in turn are smaller than white cells. Lack of platelets is called thrombocytopoenia.

E. Option 2 Platelet. Areas of endothelial damage expose collagen to which platelets are attracted. They adhere to the collagen and become sticky for other platelets so that a platelet plug develops to close the gap and prevent loss of blood.

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