
In investigating a patient’s acid-base status


In investigating a patient’s acid-base status.

  1. Venous rather than arterial blood should be studied.
  2. Blood samples may be stored for up to 12 hours at room temperature before analysis.
  3. pH can be calculated if [HCO3 ] and PCO2 are known.
  4. Raised urinary ammonium salts suggest renal compensation for respiratory acidosis.
  5. An early fall in [HCO3 ] suggests that the acid-base disturbance is respiratory in origin.

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 A. False   Only arterial blood is precisely regulated for [H].

B. False  Analysis should be prompt; acid-base status is affected by blood cell metabolism.

C. True  pH is a function of their ratio.

D. True  Ammonia is secreted to buffer the hydrogen ions being excreted as the kidneys manufacture bicarbonate.

E. False  A primary respiratory acid–base problem leads initially to an altered PCO2.

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