
A patient with an uncompensated respiratory alkalosis may have


 A patient with an uncompensated respiratory alkalosis may have.

  1. Been exposed to living at high altitudes.
  2. A reduced [H2CO3]:[HCO3 ] ratio.
  3. Neuromuscular hyperexcitability.
  4. An arterial pH of 7.3.
  5. A blood [H] of 30 nmol/litre.

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A. False  Living at high altitudes induces partial compensation, i.e. fall in [HCO3 ]

B. True  This is consistent with alkalosis.

C. True  Alkalosis favours the development of tetany by increasing the binding power of plasma protein for ionic calcium.

D. False  This is an acidotic pH.

E. True  The normal level is 40 nmol/litre

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