Patients with moderate to severe anaemia have a reduced
belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:35
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belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:35
total answers (1)
A. False Output rises to compensate for the blood’s reduced O2 carrying capacity.
B. False Bruits are common since increased flow velocity and decreased blood viscosity increase the likelihood of turbulent flow.
C. False 2:3-DPG is increased, shifting the dissociation curve to the right so that blood gives up its oxygen more easily.
D. False Arterial PO2 is normal; it is O2 content which is reduced.
E. True Due to the reduced capacity to deliver O2 to the muscles.
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