
An appropriate dilution indicator for measuring


 An appropriate dilution indicator for measuring

  1. Total body water is sucrose.
  2. Plasma volume is radioactive sodium.
  3. Extracellular fluid volume is inulin.
  4. Intracellular fluid volume directly is heavy water (deuterium oxide).
  5. Total body potassium is radioactive potassium

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A. False   Sucrose does not cross the cell membrane freely to equilibrate with ICF.

B. False   Sodium ions migrate easily from plasma to equilibrate with interstitial fluid.

C. True   Inulin crosses capillary walls freely but does not enter cells.

D. False   ICF volume is not measured directly; it is calculated by measuring ECF volume and total body water and subtracting the former from the latter.

E. True   Radioactive K equilibrates with the body pool of non-radioactive K; both isotopes are treated similarly in the body

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