Given/Input an integer number and find the factorial in Ruby.
We can find the factorial of a number n by multiplying it with its predecessors up to 1. For example, if we have to find factorial of 5, the equation will look like:
5! = 5*4*3*2*1, which will be equal to 120.
For implementing the above logic, we can put the variable num in the Boolean condition and after initialising a variable fact, we can simply multiply fact with a variable i which is initialised by 1. Increase i with every iteration and the loop will be terminated when i will become equal to num.
Methods used:
- puts: put string method is used for printing message.
- gets: get string method is used for taking input from the user.
- .to_i: It is converting user inputted string into integer value type.
Operators used:
- ==: Equal to operator. Used to check the equality of left hand value with the right hand one.
- =: Assignment operator. Used to assign a value to the variables.
- <=: Less than or equal to operator. Basically used for comparison.
- *: Multiplication Arithmetic Operator used for the multiplication.
- +: Addition Arithmetic Operator. Used for adding two variables.
Variables used:
- num: Used to store the value given by the user.
- fact: Used to store the final factorial.
- i: It is acting as a loop variable.
Ruby code to find the factorial of a given number
This code takes a number as input and return another number that is the factorial of this number, and prints this factorial to the output screen.
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