
(Plot the square function) Write a program that draws a diagram for the function f(x) = x2 (see Figure 14.48b)


(Plot the square function) Write a program that draws a diagram for the function

f(x) = x2 (see Figure 14.48b).

Hint: Add points to a polyline using the following code:

Polyline polyline = new Polyline();
ObservableList<Double> list = polyline.getPoints();
double scaleFactor = 0.0125;
for (int x = -100; x <= 100; x++) {
list.add(x +
list.add(scaleFactor * x * x);

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* (Plot the square function) Write a program that draws a diagram for the function *
* f(x) = x2 (see Figure 14.48b).                                                   *
*                                                                                  *
* Hint: Add points to a polyline using the following code:                         *
*                                                                                  *
* 		Polyline polyline = new Polyline();                                          *
* 		ObservableList<Double> list = polyline.getPoints();                          *
* 		double scaleFactor = 0.0125;                                                 *
* 		for (int x = -100; x <= 100; x++) {                                          *
* 			list.add(x + 200.0);                                                      *
* 			list.add(scaleFactor * x * x);                                            *
* 		}                                                                            *
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.shape.Polyline;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;

public class Exercise_14_18 extends Application {
	@Override // Override the start method in the Application class
	public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
		// Create a pane
		StackPane stackPane = new StackPane();

		Pane pane = new Pane();

		// Create a polyline
		Polyline polyline1 = new Polyline();
		ObservableList<Double> list = polyline1.getPoints();
		double scaleFactor = 0.0125;                       
		for (int x = -100; x <= 100; x++) {                
			list.add(x + 200.0);                            
			list.add(scaleFactor * x * x);                  

		Line lineX = new Line(0, 200, 300, 200);                                                
		//pane.getChildren().addAll(stackPane, lineX);

		Line lineY = new Line(lineX.getEndX() / 2, 250, lineX.getEndX() / 2, 20);                                                
		pane.getChildren().addAll(stackPane, lineX, lineY);

		// Create a scene and place it in the stage
		Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
		primaryStage.setTitle("Exercise_14_18"); // Set the stage title
		primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage
		primaryStage.show(); // Display the stage
* (Plot the square function) Write a program that draws a diagram for the function *
* f(x) = x2 (see Figure 14.48b).                                                   *
*                                                                                  *
* Hint: Add points to a polyline using the following code:                         *
*                                                                                  *
* 		Polyline polyline = new Polyline();                                          *
* 		ObservableList<Double> list = polyline.getPoints();                          *
* 		double scaleFactor = 0.0125;                                                 *
* 		for (int x = -100; x <= 100; x++) {                                          *
* 			list.add(x + 200.0);                                                      *
* 			list.add(scaleFactor * x * x);                                            *
* 		}                                                                            *
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.shape.Polyline;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;

public class Exercise_14_18 extends Application {
	@Override // Override the start method in the Application class
	public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
		// Create two panes
		Pane pane1 = new Pane();
		pane1.setPadding(new Insets(72, 0, 0, 75));
		Pane pane2 = new Pane();

		// Create a polyline
		Polyline polyline1 = new Polyline();
		ObservableList<Double> list = polyline1.getPoints();
		double scaleFactor = 0.0125;                       
		for (int x = -100; x <= 100; x++) {                
			list.add(x + 200.0);                            
			list.add(scaleFactor * x * x);                  

		// Create two lines
		Line lineX = new Line(10, 200, 350, 200);                                                
		//pane.getChildren().addAll(stackPane, lineX);

		Line lineY = new Line(lineX.getEndX() / 2, 250, lineX.getEndX() / 2, 30);                                                
		pane2.getChildren().addAll(pane1, lineX, lineY);

		// Create two polylines
		Polyline polyline2 = new Polyline();
		ObservableList<Double> list2 = polyline2.getPoints();
		list2.addAll(lineY.getEndX() - 10, lineY.getEndY() + 20, 
			lineY.getEndX(), lineY.getEndY(), lineY.getEndX() + 10, 
			lineY. getEndY() + 20);

		Polyline polyline3 = new Polyline();
		ObservableList<Double> list3 = polyline3.getPoints();
		list3.addAll(lineX.getEndX() - 20, lineX.getEndY() - 10, 
			lineX.getEndX(), lineX.getEndY(), lineX.getEndX() - 20, 
			lineX. getEndY() + 10);

		// Create two text objects
		Text textX = new Text(lineX.getEndX() - 10, lineX.getEndY() - 20, "X");
		Text textY = new Text(lineY.getEndX() + 20, lineY.getEndY() + 10, "Y");
		pane2.getChildren().addAll(textX, textY);

		// Create a scene and place it in the stage
		Scene scene = new Scene(pane2);
		primaryStage.setTitle("Exercise_14_18"); // Set the stage title
		primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage
		primaryStage.show(); // Display the stage

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