
(Display a pie chart) Write a program that uses a pie chart to display the percentages of the overall grade represented by projects, quizzes, midterm exams, and the final exam, as shown in Figure 14.46c


(Display a pie chart) Write a program that uses a pie chart to display the percentages of the overall grade represented by projects, quizzes, midterm exams, and the final exam, as shown in Figure 14.46c. Suppose that projects take 20 percent and are displayed in red, quizzes take 10 percent and are displayed in blue, midterm exams take 30 percent and are displayed in green, and the final exam takes 40 percent and is displayed in orange. Use the Arc class to display the pies. Interested readers may explore the JavaFX PieChart class for further study.

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* (Display a pie chart) Write a program that uses a pie chart to display the     *
* percentages of the overall grade represented by projects, quizzes, midterm     *
* exams, and the final exam, as shown in Figure 14.46c. Suppose that projects    *
* take 20 percent and are displayed in red, quizzes take 10 percent and are      *
* displayed in blue, midterm exams take 30 percent and are displayed in green,   *
* and the final exam takes 40 percent and is displayed in orange. Use the Arc    *
* class to display the pies. Interested readers may explore the JavaFX PieChart  *
* class for further study.                                                       *
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.shape.Arc;
import javafx.scene.shape.ArcType;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;

public class Exercise_14_13 extends Application {
	@Override // Override the start method in the Application class
	public void start(Stage primaryStage) {

		// Create a pane
		Pane pane = new Pane();

		double[] scores = {20, 10, 30, 40};

		String[] grades = {"Project", "Quiz", "Midterm", "Final"};

		// Create four text objects
		Text t1 = new Text(110, 80,  grades[0] + " -- " + scores[0] + "%");
		Text t2 = new Text(80, 15,   grades[1] + " -- " + scores[1] + "%");
		Text t3 = new Text(5, 100,   grades[2] + " -- " + scores[2] + "%");
		Text t4 = new Text(100, 180, grades[3] + " -- " + scores[3] + "%");

		// Create four Arcs
		Arc arc1 = new Arc(100, 100, 80, 80, 0, 360 * (scores[0] / 100));

		Arc arc2 = new Arc(100, 100, 80, 80, arc1.getStartAngle() + 
			arc1.getLength(), 360 * (scores[1] / 100));

		Arc arc3 = new Arc(100, 100, 80, 80, arc2.getStartAngle() + 
			arc2.getLength(), 360 * (scores[2] / 100));

		Arc arc4 = new Arc(100, 100, 80, 80, arc3.getStartAngle() + 
			arc3.getLength(), 360 * (scores[3] / 100));
		pane.getChildren().addAll(arc1, arc2, arc3, arc4, t1, t2, t3, t4);

		// Create a Scene and place it in the Stage;
		Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
		primaryStage.setTitle("Exercise_14_13"); // Set the stage title
		primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage
		primaryStage.show(); // Display the stage

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