
(Conversions between feet and meters) Write a class that contains the following two methods:


(Conversions between feet and meters) Write a class that contains the following
two methods:

/** Convert from feet to meters */
public static double footToMeter(double foot)

/** Convert from meters to feet */
public static double meterToFoot(double meter)

The formula for the conversion is:
meter = 0.305 * foot
foot = 3.279 * meter

Write a test program that invokes these methods to display the following tables:

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// (Conversions between feet and meters) Write a class that contains the following
// two methods: 

// /** Convert from feet to meters */
// public static double footToMeter(double foot)

// /** Convert from meters to feet */
// public static double meterToFoot(double meter)

// The formula for the conversion is:
// meter = 0.305 * foot
// foot = 3.279 * meter

// Write a test program that invokes these methods to display the following tables:// 
//     Feet     Meters     |    Meters    Feet
//     -------------------------------------------
//     1.0      0.305      |    20.0      65.574
//     2.0      0.610      |    25.0      81.967
//     ...       
//     9.0      2.745      |    60.0      196.721
//     10.0     3.050      |    65.0      213.115

public class Exercise_06_09 {
	/** Main Method */
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Display table
			"\nFeet     Meters     |     Meters     Feet\n" +
		for (double feet = 1.0, meters = 20.0; feet <= 10.0; feet++, meters += 5) {
			System.out.printf("%4.1f     ", feet);
			System.out.printf("%6.3f", footToMeter(feet));
			System.out.print("     |     ");
			System.out.printf("%-11.1f", meters);
			System.out.printf("%7.3f\n", meterToFoot(meters));
	/** Convert from feet to meters */
	public static double footToMeter(double foot) {
		return 0.305 * foot;

	/** Convert from meters to feet */
	public static double meterToFoot(double meter) {
		return 3.279 * meter;

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