
(Financial application: compute taxes) Listing 3.5, ComputeTax.java, gives the source code to compute taxes for single filers. Complete Listing 3.5 to compute the taxes for all filing statuses


(Financial application: compute taxes) Listing 3.5, ComputeTax.java, gives the source code to compute taxes for single filers. Complete Listing 3.5 to compute the taxes for all filing statuses.

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(Financial application: compute taxes) Listing 3.5, ComputeTax.java, gives the
source code to compute taxes for single filers. Complete Listing 3.5 to compute
the taxes for all filing statuses.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Exercise_03_13 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

		// Prompt the user to enter filing status
		System.out.print("(0-single filter, 1-married jointly or " +
			"qualifying widow(er), 2-married separately, 3-head of " +
			"houshold) Enter the filing status: ");
		int status = input.nextInt();

		// Prompt the user to enter taxable income
		System.out.print("Enter the taxable income: ");
		double income = input.nextDouble();

		// Compute tax
		double tax = 0;
		switch (status)
			case 0 : // Compute tax for single filers
						tax += (income <= 8350) ? income * 0.10 : 8350 * 0.10;
						if (income > 8350)
							tax += (income <= 33950) ? (income - 8350) * 0.15 :
							25600 * 0.15;
						if (income > 33950)
							tax += (income <= 82250) ? (income - 33950) * 0.25 :
							48300 * 0.25;
						if (income > 82250)
							tax += (income <= 171550) ? (income - 82250) * 0.28 :
							89300 * 0.28;
						if (income > 171550)
							tax += (income <= 372950) ? (income - 171550) * 0.33 :
							201400 * 0.33;
						if (income > 372950)
							tax += (income - 372950) * 0.35;
			case 1 : // Compute tax for married file jointly or qualifying widow(er)
						tax += (income <= 16700) ? income * 0.10 : 16700 * 0.10;
						if (income > 16700)
							tax += (income <= 67900) ? (income - 16700) * 0.15 :
							(67900 - 16700) * 0.15;
						if (income > 67900)
							tax += (income <= 137050) ? (income - 67900) * 0.25 :
							(137050 - 67900) * 0.25;
						if (income > 137050)
							tax += (income <= 208850) ? (income - 137050) * 0.28 :
							(208850 - 137050) * 0.28;
						if (income > 208850)
							tax += (income <= 372950) ? (income - 208850) * 0.33 :
							(372950 - 208850) * 0.33;
						if (income > 372950)
							tax += (income - 372950) * 0.35;
			case 2 : // Compute tax for married separately
						tax += (income <= 8350) ? income * 0.10 : 8350 * 0.10;
						if (income > 8350)
							tax += (income <= 33950) ? (income - 8350) * 0.15 :
							(33950 - 8350) * 0.15;
						if (income > 33950)
							tax += (income <= 68525) ? (income - 33950) * 0.25 :
							(68525 - 33950) * 0.25;
						if (income > 68525)
							tax += (income <= 104425) ? (income - 68525) * 0.28 :
							(104425 - 68525) * 0.28;
						if (income > 104425)
							tax += (income <= 186475) ? (income - 104425) * 0.33 :
							(186475 - 104425) * 0.33;
						if (income > 186475)
							tax += (income - 186475) * 0.35;
			case 3 : // Compute tax for head of household
						tax += (income <= 11950) ? income * 0.10 : 11950 * 0.10;
						if (income > 11950)
							tax += (income <= 45500) ? (income - 11950) * 0.15 :
							(45500 - 11950) * 0.15;
						if (income > 45500)
							tax += (income <= 117450) ? (income - 45500) * 0.25 :
							(117450 - 45500) * 0.25;
						if (income > 117450)
							tax += (income <= 190200) ? (income - 117450) * 0.28 :
							(190200 - 117450) * 0.28;
						if (income > 190200)
							tax += (income <= 372950) ? (income - 190200) * 0.33 :
							(372950 - 190200) * 0.33;
						if (income > 372950)
							tax += (income - 372950) * 0.35;
			default : System.out.println("Error: invalid status");
		// Display the result
		System.out.println("Tax is " + (int)(tax * 100) / 100.0);

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