
The Hamiltonian of a gas of photons within an empty cavity of volume V is given by the expression


The Hamiltonian of a gas of photons within an empty cavity of volume V is given by the expression

where j = 1, 2 indicates the polarization, k  is the wave vector,

wk,j = ck,

c is the velocity of light, and k |k| .

(a)  Use the formalism of the occupation numbers (second quantization) to obtain the canonical partition function asso- ciated with this system.

(b) Show that the internal energy is given by

 U = σV T n.

Obtain the value of the constants n and σ.

(c) Consider the Sun as a black body at temperature T≈5800 K. The solar diameter and the distance between the Sun and the Earth are of the order of 109 m and 1011 m, respec- tively. Obtain the intensity of the total radiation that reaches the surface of Earth. What is the value of the pressure of this radiation?

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The canonical partition function is given by

In order to calculate the internal energy we write

where the first term in the right-hand-side leads to well-known (divergent) energy of the quantum vacuum. If we measure the internal energy with respect to the vacuum, we have

In d dimensions, it is easy to check that this internal energy with respect to the quantum vacuum is given by

U = σV T n,

where n = d + 1 (n = 4 in three dimension, according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law) and

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