Obtain an expression for the magnetic susceptibility asso- ciated with the orbital motion of free electrons in the presence of a uniform magnetic field H,
belongs to book: Introduction to statistical physics|sílvio-r.-a.-salinas|| Chapter number:9| Question number:11
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The grand partition function for this system was written as
Since βµH/mc << 1, we can use Euler´s formula to rewrite this expression
In the first integral, it is convenient to introduce the new variable
so that it becomes easy to integrate over kz. In the second in- tegral, we just call ε = kz2h2/2m. It is now straightforward to obtain an expression for the zero-field susceptibility [check the excellent article by R. B. Dingle, "Some magnetic properties of metals. I. General introduction and properties of large systems of electrons", Proc. Roy. Soc. A211, 500 (1952)].
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