
At low temperatures, the internal energy of a system of free electrons may be written as an expansion


At low temperatures, the internal energy of a system of free electrons may be written as an expansion

Obtain the value of the constant A, and indicate the order of magnitude of the terms that have been discarded.

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This is again a straightforward (although somewhat la- borious) application of the method of Sommerfeld to obtain as- ymptotic low-temperature results.

In the grand-canonical ensemble, the number of particles and the internal energy of the gas of free fermions are give by



At low temperatures, ƒ (ε) is almost a step function, so the derivative /dε has a pronounced peak at ε= µ, which provides the basis for the development of a low-temperature expansion. Let us write

At low temperatures, βµ ~ βεT , so that we may discard exponential corrections, of order

exp (-βεT ), and write

which is the main idea of Sommerfeld´s scheme. Except for these exponential corrections, we have the series expansion


and so on (as you can check in the integral table of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, for example). We then have the expansion

from which we write

We left for the reader the task of obtaining the numerical coef- ficients (M2 and M4). It is then easy to write an expansion of the internal energy in terms of (even) powers of (T/TF )

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