
Consider a gas of N free electrons, in a region of volume V , in the ultrarelativistic regime. The energy spectrum is given by


Consider a gas of N free electrons, in a region of volume V , in the ultrarelativistic regime. The energy spectrum is given by 

x =[ p2s2 + m2C4 ]1/2 ≈ ps,

where p  is the linear momentum.

(a)     Calculate the Fermi energy of this system.

(b)     What is the total energy in the ground state?

Obtain an asymptotic form for the specific heat at con- stant volume in the limit T << TF .

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Using  the  energy  spectrum εk =  hks,  the  number  of particles and the internal energy of this fermion gas are given by


where ƒ (ε) is the Fermi-Dirac distribution.

At T = 0, we have

The asymptotic form of the specific heat at low tempera- tures comes from a straightforward application of Sommerfeld´s method. We should note that



as can be checked in a good integral table (in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, for example).

We then write

From the first equation, we write an expansion for the chemical potential potential µ in terms of 1/ [βεT ] = (T/TF),

Inserting this expansion of µ into the expression for the internal energy, we finally have

Note that there is no linear power of (T/TF ).

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