
Suppose that A and B are similar matrices. Prove that A3 and B3 are similar matrices. Generalize


Suppose that A and B are similar matrices. Prove that A3 and B3 are similar matrices. Generalize.

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By Definition SIM we know that there is a nonsingular matrix S so that A = S1BS. Then

A3 = (S1BS)3

= (S1BS)(S1BS)(S1BS)

= S1B(SS1)B(SS1)BS                                    Theorem MMA

= S1B(I3)B(I3)BS                                             Definition MI= S1BBBS                                                      Theorem MMIM

= S1B3S

This equation says that A3 is similar to B3 (via the matrix S).

 More generally, if A is similar to B, and m is a non-negative integer, then Am is similar to Bm. This can be proved using induction (Proof Technique I).

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