Theorem EIM says that if λ is an eigenvalue of the nonsingular matrix A, then 1 is an eigenvalue of A−1
belongs to book: A First Course in Linear Algebra|Robert A. Beezer|| Chapter number:6| Question number:T50
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belongs to book: A First Course in Linear Algebra|Robert A. Beezer|| Chapter number:6| Question number:T50
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Since λ is an eigenvalue of a nonsingular matrix, λ ≠ 0 (Theorem SMZE).
A is invertible (Theorem NI), and so −λA is invertible (Theorem MISM).
Thus −λA is nonsingular (Theorem NI) and det (−λA) ≠0 (Theorem SMZD).
So 1/ λis a root of the characteristic polynomial of A−1 and so is an eigenvalue of A−1.
This proof is due to Sara Bucht.
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