Suppose that λ and ρ are two different eigenvalues of the square matrix A. Prove that the intersection of the eigenspaces for these two eigenvalues is trivial
belongs to book: A First Course in Linear Algebra|Robert A. Beezer|| Chapter number:6| Question number:T20
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This problem asks you to prove that two sets are equal, so use Definition SE.
First show that {0} ⊆ EA (λ) ∩ EA (ρ). Choose x ∈ {0}. Then x = 0. Eigenspaces are subspaces (Theo- rem EMS), so both EA (λ) and EA (ρ) contain the zero vector, and therefore x ∈ EA (λ)∩EA (ρ) (Definition SI).
To show that EA (λ) ∩ EA (ρ) ⊆0 , suppose that x ∈ EA (λ)∩EA (ρ). Then x is an eigenvector of A for both λ and ρ (Definition SI) and so
So x = 0, and trivially, x ∈ {0}.
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