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Severity: Warning

Message: Undefined variable $category_types

Filename: controllers/Questions.php

Line Number: 801

Postgre SQL MCQ Questions

Postgre SQL MCQ Questions

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Which statement is true about PostgreSQL data types?
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To restore a PostgreSQL backup created with pg_dump, the following may be used:
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Which statement is not true about a PostgreSQL domain?
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Fill the blank space:
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To copy a database from server1 to server2, you might use which of the following:
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What is “index bloat”?
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Advisory locks are allocated out of a shared memory pool whose size is defined by the configuration variables…
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What command allows you to edit PostgreSQL queries in your favorite editor ?
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What does the following statement do?
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To create a database in PostgreSQL, you must have the special CREATEDB privilege or
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The value NULL, in database terminology, means?
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To describe a table in PostgreSQL which of the following is correct:
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Unless you specify NOT NULL, PostgreSQL will assume that a column is:
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