c# programming quiz questions

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Shared Assemblies can be stored in Global Assembly Cache
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Which of the following keywords is used to refer base class constructor to subclass constructor?
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What will be the output of the following code snippet?
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Which of the following statements are correct for C# language?
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The point at which an exception is thrown is called the _____
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Struct’s data members are ___ by default
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What will be the output of the following code snippet?
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What will be the output of the following code snippet?
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If a class ‘demo’ had ‘add’ property with getting and set accessors, then which of the following statements will work correctly?
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Choose the wrong statement about properties used in C#.Net?
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Select the two types of threads mentioned in the concept of multithreading?
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The correct way to overload +operator?
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What is the value returned by function compareTo( ) if the invoking string is less than the string compared?
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